Wednesday, April 1, 2009

2day + 2morrow = 4ever ♥jrs.

My day went pretty good today. It was gravy buscuit day! My all-time favorite break, that Mrs Maxine makes with her special cooking hands. I pretty much did absolutely nothing again today. We never do anything at Central. Except goof off. I had softball practice today and it dragged by. I was so tired I could barely even hold up my bat, but it didnt last too long. We had a few people missing cuz they went to some honor chorus thing. Anyways, I got home after practice and I relaxed all day. I did a practice ACT and I did the English part, HA! I did HORRIBLE. Come on teachers, at Central, teach me! :) Haha! Well anyways, its Wednesday, so that means it only 2 more days till Jason is back. He'll be back Friday! WOO HOO! Jason and I are going 4 wheeler riding all day Saturday, after I take my ACT of coarse, so if anyone would like to come riding with us. CALL ME!
*mwah! love everyone. ♥

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Well today wasn't a bad day at all. I couldn't wake up this morning, it was raining and I wanted to sleep in. So when I got to school Mrs Maxine wanted me to help her in the kitchen so 3rd through 5th period I fixed potatoes instead of going to class. It was awesome! 6th period, Daddy came to the school and checked me and Corey out and we went to Columbus because she had a orthodonist appointment at 2. We had NO softball practice today. It was pretty much amazing. So I have had a pretty good day so far. I need to start back reading on Eclipse, cuz I had a late fee at the library.
Yesterday, we play Grace Christian. We beat them 14-1. I had the only error of the game, haha! I was playing short stop when I did it. Me + short stop = BADDDD, VERYY BAD!
I hope everyone had a great day.... ♥

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My wonderful weekend ♥

My fantastic Friday:
Well, I went to school. School wasn't so bad. I went over to Kendall's after school helped her clean up everything, while Kendall and I were watching some cheating on your spouse show, Jason walked in and surprised me. He was home early. Yay! It made me so excited. :) Jason and I rode around for a little while, then Jason Pruitt called us and asked us to come to a party and we did. We picked up Micah, Colby, and Judd and we went out there. It wasnt much fun, actually it kinda sucked, but I was just glad to be with Jason cuz I hadnt seen him all week. We went home after we dropped Colby, Micah, and Judd off. We stayed up pretty much all night, talking!
My super Saturday:
Well, we got up kinda early, around 10. We went to Macon and went to Parker's to get his tux picked out and measured. He's tux it pretty cute. Thanks to me! :) and Robin too! After that, we went to the tire place and fixed Jason's back tires, then we went to my house and goof off all afternoon till we had to go to church. After church, Jason and I went and ate mexican with Mom and Dad. We went to Junior Miss after eating, then we went riding around towards Shuqulak and saw Coleman as the "night watchmen" at Shuq. Lumber, his dog was doing more watching than he was. Ha! Well, then we went to Presley's and I was kinda grumpy cuz I was extremely tired. We didnt leave there till late. When we finally got home, Jason and I sat up pretty much all night again and talked. You get your best talking in when you are laying down and all comfortable.
My lazzzy Sunday:
Well, Jason and I didn't wake up til 1. We slept in. We had all Alex and Jason lazy day. Love it!! We laid in bed watched TV all day. Well, one time we got up and rode around on the dirt roads by his house, but that was only because we had to go dump his old tires out. We had a pretty much extremely lazy day. Jason and I were suppose to go hunting this morning but we didnt wake up. Ha! Well, Jason left at 5:30 today to go back to Louisiana. I misses him already. Whenever he left I rode to Macon with Lauren. She's a pretty cool dude :)
*sorry no pictures from this weekend, i didnt think to get my camera and take some. I'll take some this week so I can post them up. :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I wish I could be a Hero ♥

I wish I could be like Hiro and take back time;
I wish I could be like Nathan and fly;
I wish I could be like Parkman and read minds;
I wish I could be like Peter and share everyone elses ability;
I wish I could be like Claire and heal;
I wish I could be like Tracy/Nikki and freeze things;

Sorry! I'm OBSESSED with Heroes! Its on the 3rd season now on TV. I have the 2nd and 1st on dvd. Its the best show ever. If you like "hero" stuff. WATCH IT!

-Softball game today. We play Immanuel. As Meg said "we gonna have to play in our flippers" Ha!

-My day was GREAT! I was in a wonderful mood.

-Friday, Jason is coming home! We gonna parrty all weekend!

-Saturday is Junior Miss :) Good Luck Megan and Hollie!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

i ♥ Jason Sellers :)

This is the love of my life. We are the "perfect couple" as everyone says, but I'm telling you the perfect couple isn't always perfect, you have to be strong and work through everything like me and Jason have. He is the best, I couldnt ask for anything better. He is always there for me, even though he is in Louisiana. But he knows how to make me laugh and smile, even at times when I really don't want too. Jason is the best boyfriend alive and we have had a pretty tough week, last week, but we worked through it. It only made me and him just as stronger as we were. Mine and Jason's love is strong, not many relationships like this come around. What is so good about the relationship is that he is not only my boyfriend, he is my best friend! He has made my life truly amazing. I love the place I'm in right now! I pray to God every night that me and Jason will make it through anything. Jason and I are soul-mates. I believe, God put us on this Earth to be together and I'm hoping what I believe is true. Jason Ryan Sellers is the LOVE of my world, my universe, and my life! Nothing will ever change that. We have been dating 11 months and a week now and its been the best 11 months and a week that I have ever had.

MY terrible TUESDAY:
Yeah so today really wasnt to great of a day. I hate Tuesdays! I didnt wake up wil 7:30 and I couldnt be late for school cuz I would make Corey late, so I had to put on sweats and a tee. Uggh. NO MAKE UP!!! Well, then I went to Coach Beall's class and he told me I failed my 9 weeks test, which put a cherry on top of a perfect Tuesday! Then after I thought my day couldnt get any worse we had softball practice. Boo! We ran a lot. Cuz we lost to Kemper last night. Well, we won one and lost one. But our coaches were pretty mad about how we didn't play worth a crap. So we ran a suicide, hell if I wanted to run a suicide I would have went to basketball camp last week. So my day was prety crappy, I'm sure you are sick of hearing about it! So i'm out!